Friday, September 27, 2013

In Transformers, robots are humanoid creatures that have movements that are as fluid as a human. They also have the ability to transform from a vehicle to a creature and back again. The transformers have advanced weapons that are inbuilt and seemingly don’t require ammunition.

In the film The Iron Giant the question “What if a gun had a soul?” is asked as it puts emotions into a robot and develops a close friendship between the machine and a human. The Iron Giant has the ability to fly. 

The popular motion picture Star Wars has a large variety of robots which can walk fairly smoothly and look as though they are all in sync. Their legs and arms seem to move individually.

In the movie IRobot robots are everyday objects that are programmed to help humans with a wide variety of tasks and humanity has come to rely on them. IRobot explores what would happen if they lost their way of living due to a system failure by a super-advanced computer that had learned to think for itself.

All of these films depict machines and robots in unrealistic and futuristic manners. In transformers, the robots can move like humans but our technology is nowhere near even having robots being able to walk, let alone run or jump with the finesse of a human.

In Iron Giant the robot had feelings that influenced its decisions. A robot cannot have a personality or feel emotions in real life.

Star Wars had an interesting representation of robots where they felt fear and confusion but still acted without emotion. Although it is more realistic than transformers where the robots can thing for themselves it is still unrealistic because we have not developed the technology to create a humanoid that can balance on two feet and fire weaponry while expressing fear and/or confusion.

IRobot starts off with a semi realistic view on robots as they do not have any emotion. It is still not entirely realistic as human society relies solely on machines to function. IRobot becomes further less realistic when some of the robots develop emotions and revolt, throwing the helpless humans into turmoil. 
Films in general do not portray robots as realistic as it would be ordinary and less exciting. Although using realistic robots would make a film more believable, through the clever use of CGI and relatingthe robots to something familiar a more
captivating movie can be made.  
